Thursday, December 13, 2012


Patience is a virtue and I certainly do feel virtuous waiting for my publisher to get back to me on a contract for further Fountain Pen stories, among others, but I can’t help wonder if we would embrace patience with a little more zest if it were a vice.

Patience as it stands does very little for me. It’s just a fancy word for waiting, and waiting, and waiting some more. Mind you, I’m not being idle while I wait, patiently, but it’s always there in the back of my mind. Patience.

If somehow we could sell patience as a vice, would that mean people would eagerly and happily wait for the phone to ring or the next text message announcing a contract, a new lover or new job?

Perhaps in an alternate universe. I just don’t see it happening in this one ... no matter how patiently I wait for it.

Enough silly ramblings... back to work!

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