Monday, March 17, 2014

The Open Road

Ah, the open road, have laptop, will travel. The romance of driving where ever you want, plugging in the laptop and writing about all you see and experience...

Okay, it sounds good, but the reality is you’re trying to see the road in the driving rain. And where is that exit anyway? 

Who has the laptop charger and where is the mobile hotspot? What do you mean you don’t know? Does the hotel have wifi? Will it be any good? I’ve got clients waiting for stuff. 

Is that the street we need? Why don’t they put up legible street signs in this town? Turn left! Are you sure? Oh, you meant the second street, not the first. I’m glad your phone knows the way, because the map got wet at the Starbucks drive-thru. 

What? No cell service? Wait, we’re coming up on an other town... they’re bound to have at least one cell tower. 

We can’t park in the lot? Well, how about if I just park way at the back of the lot, where they can’t see me or even get close enough to try and tow me. Thanks, glad we agree on that. Now, where’s the rest of the team? And, more importantly, where is the bathroom in this place? 

Phew, we made it. Part of our team is in the stands, the rest are building the pit and setting up the robot. I’ve got coffee, not that I need any more, and a print out to work on for now. Nothing like having a stack of papers, poorly stapled together, and only your lap as a desk. But I’m working while the competition field is being set up and the PA systems is doing, ever louder!! , sound checks. 

Other bleary eyed, coffee toting, excited mentors are joining me and we’re start to talk strategy. This is going to be an exciting weekend. 

So did I get much work done? Not really, but it was worth every minute of sitting on those hard bleachers, watching the competitions and watching the crowds. It will only enrich my writing. I’m home and once again able to plug in my laptop, connect to reliable wifi, and work twice as hard and twice as fast to get caught up. Hey, a freelancer can work any 24 hours of the day she chooses. It will mean a few late nights working, but it’s all worth it. 

By the way, our robotics team won the district championship! 

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