Sunday, December 9, 2018

Holiday Book Boost Number 15

Hi Shani, Welcome to my blog, I’m happy meet you and introduce you to my readers. Let’s get started.

Title, genre, format (ebook, paperback):
Shani Struthers, Supernatural Thriller, Psychic Surveys Book One: The Haunting of Highdown Hall, all formats including audio.

Tell me about your book/story:
The Haunting of Highdown Hall is the first book in the Psychic Surveys series, it follows psychic, Ruby Davis and her freelance team, all of whom specialise in spiritual domestic clearance. Some cases are heart-warming; others are heart stopping. There are five in the series so far, and more to come. As the books progress they become decidedly darker.

What is the one thing you’d like people to know about you (or, what is your secret superpower):
I not only write about the paranormal but I believe in it and have had several experiences during the course of my lifetime, some of which have made it into the books. In my other series – This Haunted World – I also weave fact with fiction, basing stories in and around the world’s most haunted places. Although writing about what is considered outside of normal, I like to keep it real, not for me blood and gore, the power of my writing lies in the fact such haunting experiences could happen to you…

And just a few fun questions:
Pen or Computer:
Computer every time – I just love the delete button!

Best writing snacks:
Green tea, and a bit of chocolate every now and then.

Craziest thing you’ve done for story research:
All night vigils in renowned haunted locations.

Where can people find your book/story:

Any links and/or pictures you want to share:
I also have a paranormal group on Facebook where we discuss our various experiences, feel free to join. Here’s the link:

Thank you! 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for featuring me on your blog, Lynn, it is a pleasure to be here!
